Let’s go beyond the fjords to a Viking Village. Cross the seas and sail…


Our little guests will wear thematic costumes and explore the Viking Village. (Costumes as Viking Wests and Viking Helmets)

This games history backs to centuries. Real Vikings played this game. In this game we have horseshoes and kids will try to target inside wheelbarrow.

Each kid will try to target the dragon on top of a rock with Frisbee shield on his or her hand.

Opposite target; Kids must hit the target with at least one of the 3 arrows you will be given.

Kids will improve their wrist ability with the game of throwing the Viking helmet in the basket. Kids will try to target the baskets in front of them and make a basket from certain distance.

Kids will try to target the dragon figures over the table. We have a small mechanism work like sling but this mechanism throws small disk. Kids will make a slingshot and try to hit a dragon.


Kids will color their shield with their imaginations and put it on to their arm with duct tape.

Kids will cut the cardboards from the dotted lines and apply the glue to sides and stick it together. Now they have their treasure chest ready.

Kids will pass through the colorful glass beads or plastic beads from the rope. After they will interlock to 2 sides of the rope over their wrists.


Viking themed game area formed with themed decorations of related material. The kids will join many different games and activities. During the whole event the kids are dressed like little Vikings and experience the era.


The Event is formed of 5 equal sessions of 45 minutes and 15 minutes of refractory period for the preparation of the venue.


The venue can vary from 80 to 200square meters depending on the availability of area. The fence closed Venue is filled with Styrofoam and polyester based decorations and wooden game sets

[supsystic-gallery id=6]


  Let’s go beyond the fjords to a Viking Village. Cross the seas and sail…


Our little guests will wear thematic costumes and explore the Viking Village. (Costumes as Viking Wests and Viking Helmets)

This games history backs to centuries. Real Vikings played this game. In this game we have horseshoes and kids will try to target inside wheelbarrow.

Each kid will try to target the dragon on top of a rock with Frisbee shield on his or her hand.

Opposite target; Kids must hit the target with at least one of the 3 arrows you will be given.

Kids will improve their wrist ability with the game of throwing the Viking helmet in the basket. Kids will try to target the baskets in front of them and make a basket from certain distance.

Kids will try to target the dragon figures over the table. We have a small mechanism work like sling but this mechanism throws small disk. Kids will make a slingshot and try to hit a dragon.


Kids will color their shield with their imaginations and put it on to their arm with duct tape.

Kids will cut the cardboards from the dotted lines and apply the glue to sides and stick it together. Now they have their treasure chest ready.

Kids will pass through the colorful glass beads or plastic beads from the rope. After they will interlock to 2 sides of the rope over their wrists.


Viking themed game area formed with themed decorations of related material. The kids will join many different games and activities. During the whole event the kids are dressed like little Vikings and experience the era.


The Event is formed of 5 equal sessions of 45 minutes and 15 minutes of refractory period for the preparation of the venue.


The venue can vary from 80 to 200square meters depending on the availability of area. The fence closed Venue is filled with Styrofoam and polyester based decorations and wooden game sets

[supsystic-gallery id=6]